Zambia, the hidden gem

A leopard a day keeps the doctor away !

We were in Zambia in 2011, nobody knew where it was…

Relaxing in a sausage tree

We returned 7 years later, still nobody knows where it is !

I believe it is the best kept secret in Africa, this country is a gem, with beautiful national parks, lots of wildlife, gorgeous lodges and friendly people. I promised in 2011 I’d return and I am so happy I did ! The first night we stayed in Lusaka at the very cool trendy, funky Latitude 15, it’s like living in an art gallery. This is the place to stay !  and ist only 30 min from the airport in the  quiet suburb of Kabulonga.

Our safari in South Luangwa

We spent 4 nights at Mfuwe lodge then 4 at Chindeni camp

This time we travelled in the company of some good friends, and our pro-photographer Isak Pretorius, who was once again willing to share some of his secrets with us, show us his favourite place, and help us get even better pictures than last time. That part should be easy because last time we were still shooting on fully automatic and didn’t have a clue about photography.

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When the desert turns green

Namibia in the “RAINY SEASON”

Well it’s not all that rainy,  just a lot of clouds and thunderstorms building up, we only got rained on once… or twice, and it usually clears real quick. The good thing is that the backgrounds are simply amazing with all these clouds !

Ready to capture some nice clouds !

That is, as long as we had them… which was just about during our first week.

But then, we really needed clear skies for the night shots at the quiver tree forest, so all turned out rather well this holiday if I may say.

Quiver trees at night

And the company was brilliant of course, us doing a private tour with Hougaard Malan and his lovely girlfriend Marlee, who turned out to be my favourite model !

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Iceland reloaded

ICELAND 2018: 50 shades of blue

We return to “winter-wonderland” only 2 years after our first trip. This time in the company of my sister & brother-in-law, and in possesion of our own 4×4 Jeep Cherokee, no limits to the driving- and photography times ! If only the weather plays along and my sis doesn’t kill me…

P.S. Click on the blue links in the following text for more information

Sisterly love

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Expedition Ethiopia, I’m in love

 What do you believe Ethiopia is like ?

I expected poverty, drought and  famine, a landscape somewhat like the Greek Islands, barren and empty. No way ! The Omo Valley in the south west of Ethiopia took me by surprise. It has mountains like Switzerland, is lush and green like the Caribbean, colourful like India and friendly as only Africa can be.

Roads can be challenging but most are rather good

To the Suri Tribe, but getting there takes some effort !

It takes us 3 days to get to our first photo destination. The first day we fly from Addis to Jimma. I’ve decided that I like this place. Horses stand smack in the middle of the street, we must drive around them, there are goats and cows, donkey wagons, people walk along the road, not just one, no dozens.  It is poor but absolutely  exiting, colourful, green and  exotic !

It’s Africa and I love it.

Roadside scenes

Remembers me of the Caribbean

The second day we drive for 9 hours till we reach Mezan Teferi. First stop after 2 hours (of very slow driving) at the home of a family which welcomes us in their hut. Unbelievable, they live here with 10 people, plus at night all the cattle comes in as well. The hut is maybe 20m2. Second stop at another family, they pose just as happily, but even better, they make us coffee, and I mean coffee straight from the beans. First they roast, then they grind, then pour water. It is awful strong, the spoon almost stands straight up, but  I rather like it.

The Ethiopian coffee is sensational

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Meet me in the Mara


Ready for the wildebeest migration

I love this landscape of rolling hills, big plains dotted with lonely trees, an escarpment in the background, rivers like green snakes winding through, and crossing these rivers, especially one big river called the Mara, is the wildebeest migration, and that’s what we are here for.

Wildebeest crossing

Our camp is lovely, situated on the bank of the Mara River at a bend, so maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get a private crossing right in front of camp. Check out the webpage : Before we leave for our first gamedrive a dazzle of zebra gather on the little flat plain just across camp. Will they cross ? Good thing we didn’t wait, they told us the next morning they crossed at 03:30, would have been a long wait !

Our very big and comfortable tent

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